LST Heavy Liquid - Price and Purchasing for US Customers.
LST Heavy Liquid can be purchased directly from Central Chemical Consulting in units of one litre (2.85 kg) or more.
The price for small quantities (1 to 4 litres) of LST Heavy Liquid S.G. 2.85 is approximately $755 US per litre + freight. On a weight basis, this is equivalent to $264 US per kilogram, or $120 US per pound weight.
Please contact us for pricing on larger amounts. We can normally ship small quantities of LST heavy liquid within two days of receiving a confirmed order, and you should receive the order within one to two weeks.
Contact Information
Central Chemical Consulting Pty Ltd
Contact: Dr Vincent Patrick
PO Box 2546
Malaga, WA 6944
Telephone: +61 8 9248 2739
For more information on purchasing E-mail: sales@heavyliquids.com