LST Heavy Liquid  

LST Heavy Liquid for the world.

Central Chemical Consulting is the lowest cost supplier to the USA for the premium low toxicity LST Heavy Liquid used in density separations for metallurgy, geology, palynology and paleontology.

With improved viscosity and stability properties compared to sodium polytungstate, LST Heavy Liquid is the most recent advance in low toxicity heavy liquids. Like sodium polytungstate, LST Heavy Liquid is used for density separations of minerals, conodonts, pollen grains and other materials in industry and research.

LST Heavy Liquid is of low toxicity, low viscosity (for faster separations), heat stable to boiling point, and can be recycled very efficiently. LST heavy liquid produces no noxious fumes during normal laboratory use, so fume cupboards are not required.

This site contains information on heavy liquids in general, so browse these pages for technical data which will help in your laboratory usage of heavy liquids. For more information please email us at